Monday, August 25, 2008

1st day of 1st & 5th Grade

Summer is over - back to the drawing board. I dropped off the kids for their 1st day of school. This will be Bryan's first year to switch classrooms for different subjects. He has just 3 different teachers. As you can see above I spared him of picture taking. I am proud of myself that I didn't even try. He probably would have been livid. This is the last year that Bryan and Kara will be in school together. Thinking about that makes me sad. Bryan's elementary years went by way too fast. I think I am having a harder time this year than last year when Kara started kindergarten. When John picked up Kara from daycare today she informed him that she has the "best life ever". John asked her why she thought that and her reason is because her teacher is sooooo nice. How sweet that is. She then told John that she has homework and she was very excited about that. (I will enjoy that while I can). Bryan didn't have any homework but of course I DO. Lots of papers to fill out for both teachers.

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