.....Kara would need glasses too. Kara is far-sited (unlike Bryan who is near-sited) and will need her glasses when she is reading, doing school work and watching TV. We broke the bank and went ahead with getting two pair. It was a hard choice but when the 2nd pair is only half the cost of the 1st we had to go for it. MY plans are for her to keep a pair at school and a pair at home so she won't have to worry about remembering to bring them back and forth. When she is at her desk she will wear them but when she goes to PE & recess time she can leave them on her desk in the case. I know, I know - we will have to see how this works out. Check back after school has started & I might just have a story to tell.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Annual Back to School Eye Check-up
Back when Bryan started 2nd grade in the 2nd week of class he started bringing home his homework assignments by writing them down in a daily assignment notebook. Now I believe (as most parents do) that my child is really smart (he is by the way) but he was bringing home this gibberish that I couldn't understand. So I asked Bryan why he was misspelling the information that was directly off the chalkboard. He informed me that he couldn't see the board clearly. So, off to the eye doctor and to my amazement Bryan had really really bad eyesight. It was so bad I was doing that thing that I do where I laugh and cry at the same time. Tears just pouring out but laughing at how unbelievable it was. (Not to mention that the Doctor checking his site was cracking us both up - If any of you have ever been to Dr. Conroy you would understand.) Poor Bryan has such bad eyesight that he can't even see the BIG E at the top of the chart. Well, at the time he was just turning 7 years old so that means we have to go each and every year for a new prescription because of his fast growing body. Kara will start 1st grade this year so I thought I would be the good parent and take her along for a 1st time eye check. Little did I know.... (scroll down for a peek)

.....Kara would need glasses too. Kara is far-sited (unlike Bryan who is near-sited) and will need her glasses when she is reading, doing school work and watching TV. We broke the bank and went ahead with getting two pair. It was a hard choice but when the 2nd pair is only half the cost of the 1st we had to go for it. MY plans are for her to keep a pair at school and a pair at home so she won't have to worry about remembering to bring them back and forth. When she is at her desk she will wear them but when she goes to PE & recess time she can leave them on her desk in the case. I know, I know - we will have to see how this works out. Check back after school has started & I might just have a story to tell.
.....Kara would need glasses too. Kara is far-sited (unlike Bryan who is near-sited) and will need her glasses when she is reading, doing school work and watching TV. We broke the bank and went ahead with getting two pair. It was a hard choice but when the 2nd pair is only half the cost of the 1st we had to go for it. MY plans are for her to keep a pair at school and a pair at home so she won't have to worry about remembering to bring them back and forth. When she is at her desk she will wear them but when she goes to PE & recess time she can leave them on her desk in the case. I know, I know - we will have to see how this works out. Check back after school has started & I might just have a story to tell.
Home Sweet Home
Well, a week at Cho-Yeh has come and gone. It was only 1 week but it seemed like a month. I missed the kids but enjoyed the quite time with no refereeing between the two. On the drive home we enjoyed the kids telling us about their experiences for the week. Thank goodness for Cho-Yeh's Parent Communicator Website. Every day John & I got to look through approximately 600 pictures for some of our two. Luckily each day we found more than one of each of our kids. We were even pleasantly surprised to see a couple of them together.
Kara has mixed feelings about her week. She loved it but she didn't. Too much walking for her. If you have ever been there you would agree. I believe that next summer she will be ready to go back with all the walking long forgotten. (If I can "forget" how bad childbirth was and go through it a 2nd time surely she can "forget" about how bad the walking was.)
Bryan wanted to stay for a 2nd week but mom and dad aren't quite ready for that yet. He had a blast getting to pick and choose the activities he got to do. Between rock climbing, flag football, archery and such he was a busy little guy.
At the closing ceremony the kids were excited to show us the "energizers" they learned.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Missing the kids!?!?
Every morning Cho-Yeh uploads pictures from the day before to a website that we can check. John checked on line this morning to see if there were any pictures of our kids in the daily upload of pics and of course there weren't any. Out of over 160 pictures from yesterday we didn't find one with either of our kids. I'm holding out hope that tomorrow we will see some from today's activities.
Well, at the end of the day today I couldn't take the not knowing so I called Cho-Yeh to have Kara's counselor check in with me and let me know how she is doing. She called this evening and said Kara is having a great time. There was only one little girl in her cabin that was homesick and it wasn't Kara. I feel better now. (This is Bryan's 4th year so I didn't feel the need to check on him). I am sure I can go the rest of the week without checking. It will be a lot easier when I can see some pictures of her and Bryan.
I do have to tell a cute story about Kara and camp. At the beginning of the year when it was time to sign up for camp we asked Kara if she wanted to go to Cho-Yeh this summer. Her first response was an unhesitating "YES!". Then her big brother started talking about camp things trying to be "helpful" and get her excited about it. Well, he started talking about shower time and told her you have to take really really quick showers. Kara started boo-hooing. I asked her what was wrong. She wailed "I don't know how to take a shower!" It was very sad but funny at the time. We, of course, couldn't help but chuckle. The she got mad because we were laughing "at" her. After calming her down we explained that there was approximately 6 months that we could "teach" her how to take a quick shower. From that day on she took showers. (Of course some of them were very, very long due to playing). Anyway, by the time she went to camp she was an old pro at showering.
Well, at the end of the day today I couldn't take the not knowing so I called Cho-Yeh to have Kara's counselor check in with me and let me know how she is doing. She called this evening and said Kara is having a great time. There was only one little girl in her cabin that was homesick and it wasn't Kara. I feel better now. (This is Bryan's 4th year so I didn't feel the need to check on him). I am sure I can go the rest of the week without checking. It will be a lot easier when I can see some pictures of her and Bryan.
I do have to tell a cute story about Kara and camp. At the beginning of the year when it was time to sign up for camp we asked Kara if she wanted to go to Cho-Yeh this summer. Her first response was an unhesitating "YES!". Then her big brother started talking about camp things trying to be "helpful" and get her excited about it. Well, he started talking about shower time and told her you have to take really really quick showers. Kara started boo-hooing. I asked her what was wrong. She wailed "I don't know how to take a shower!" It was very sad but funny at the time. We, of course, couldn't help but chuckle. The she got mad because we were laughing "at" her. After calming her down we explained that there was approximately 6 months that we could "teach" her how to take a quick shower. From that day on she took showers. (Of course some of them were very, very long due to playing). Anyway, by the time she went to camp she was an old pro at showering.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Well, this is our first year to bring both Bryan & Kara to spend the week at Cho-Yeh. Kara was very excited to go. This is Bryan's 4th year and he says he is ready for a two week camp trip but Mom & Dad weren't quite ready for that. It was tough enough dropping off Kara for the first time. Believe it or not no tears were shed by Kara or Mom & Dad. (Yet!) Kara was off and running. Can't wait to pick her up on Saturday morning to hear about all the things she got to do.

After hanging a few pictures, taking a few pics and making up Bryan's bed we were off to Kara's cabin in Sweet Gum riding on a low-boy behind a tractor. (Can't get any fancier than that!)
First we dropped off Bryan, who moved up with the big boys in Walnut Hill. After spending the last 3 years in Sweet Gum he was ready for that change. Bryan chose the top bunk as usual. When we walked into Bryan's cabin (WH#8) the first person we see is hometown boy Tony Deehl. Tony was one of his counselors last year too. How lucky can we get.
After hanging a few pictures, taking a few pics and making up Bryan's bed we were off to Kara's cabin in Sweet Gum riding on a low-boy behind a tractor. (Can't get any fancier than that!)
Matthaei Family to the Beach
On their next to last day in Texas (Sunday, July 6th) we decided to head to the beach. The girls (and Aidan) needed to get in some ocean time before heading back to the Colorado mountains. Charlotte sacrificed her just cleaned SUV for the trip down. Aunt Shelly is not fond of the beach but actually enjoyed watching the kids have their fun. We packed up a sandwich & chips picnic lunch and found a spot on the beach to park our SUVs. Seashells & Seabeans were brought home for a trip back to Colorado.
Sophie & Kara (and Bryan under the board) surf the ocean.

Joanna, Kara & Sophie hit the waves - and again, Bryan is wiped out (see blond head @ bottom left of picture.)

Seashells are fun to find. Poor girls were only allowed to bring 10 home to Colorado with them.

The boys are building their own sand castles.

All the kiddos are taking a break from the water and playing in the sand.

Pappy and Joanna had some time to themselves looking for sand crabs then went for a quick dip in the ocean to clean off the sand. While out "crabbing" they found a pretty cool seabean that I am sure will hit the classroom on show-n-tell day in Colorado.

And of course I can't help but add the cutie pie Aidan to the mix of pictures. He is just such a handsome little guy.

Sophie & Kara (and Bryan under the board) surf the ocean.
Joanna, Kara & Sophie hit the waves - and again, Bryan is wiped out (see blond head @ bottom left of picture.)
Seashells are fun to find. Poor girls were only allowed to bring 10 home to Colorado with them.
The boys are building their own sand castles.
All the kiddos are taking a break from the water and playing in the sand.
Pappy and Joanna had some time to themselves looking for sand crabs then went for a quick dip in the ocean to clean off the sand. While out "crabbing" they found a pretty cool seabean that I am sure will hit the classroom on show-n-tell day in Colorado.
And of course I can't help but add the cutie pie Aidan to the mix of pictures. He is just such a handsome little guy.
Rogers Park can be just as fun as BIG Splash Parks
July 4th @ Sailing Camp
John & Bryan hit PAYC early on the 4th and got out an Opti for him to hit the water. Bryan got to sail for a little bit but then a bad storm hit and we had to run before he really got some good sailing in. Joanna & Sophie came down with Shelly & Kara hoping to catch a ride with Bryan but we didn't make it in time. The kids did get a quick ride in Mr. Novich's small boat though and were happy with that.

Kara, Joanna & Sophie look like 3 sisters with
matching hair styles. Very cute they were.

Kara, Joanna & Sophie look like 3 sisters with
matching hair styles. Very cute they were.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Swimming @ Aunt Molly's Pool
Refreshing After Hard Day of Feeding the Gators
Carson and Joanna share a smoothie.
Hannah & Sophie sharing a smoothie
Robyn, "Nana" and Jenny taking a break after
keeping up with all the kiddos.
Bryan & Mike cooling off with their own drinks.
Gator Country's new playground was fun.
But of course the "adults" made us stop
and pose for a snapshot.
Gator Country
Joanna, Hannah, Carson, Bryan and Sophie are ready to feed
hot dogs to the very hungry gators down below the pier.
hot dogs to the very hungry gators down below the pier.
Hungry Hungry Gators
Those gaters below surely have full belly's with
a great lunch from this many people.
Are we sure this fence is safe???
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