Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, this is our first year to bring both Bryan & Kara to spend the week at Cho-Yeh. Kara was very excited to go. This is Bryan's 4th year and he says he is ready for a two week camp trip but Mom & Dad weren't quite ready for that. It was tough enough dropping off Kara for the first time. Believe it or not no tears were shed by Kara or Mom & Dad. (Yet!) Kara was off and running. Can't wait to pick her up on Saturday morning to hear about all the things she got to do.
First we dropped off Bryan, who moved up with the big boys in Walnut Hill. After spending the last 3 years in Sweet Gum he was ready for that change. Bryan chose the top bunk as usual. When we walked into Bryan's cabin (WH#8) the first person we see is hometown boy Tony Deehl. Tony was one of his counselors last year too. How lucky can we get.

After hanging a few pictures, taking a few pics and making up Bryan's bed we were off to Kara's cabin in Sweet Gum riding on a low-boy behind a tractor. (Can't get any fancier than that!)

Kara is smiling big. Ready to get in her cabin and start her first year of camp.

And of course like big brother Bryan she had to chose the top bunk. (The hardest ones for the parents to make up.)
And after meeting Kara's cabin counselors (Emma & Hannah), making her bed, hanging up some pics, and taking a few snapshots off we were back to Beaumont, childless for the week. We hope Kara is still smiling like this when we pick her up.

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